DXC Skiers who moved onto the college level
Calvin Bates Middlebury ’21
GH Weroswinski SLU ’21
Lillian Bates Williams ’23
Agnes Macy Bowdoin ’24
Marlia Richer SLU ’25
Erika Looman SLU ’25
Quinn Wilson Williams ’25
Theo Mollano Williams ’25?
Clint Macy Colby ’26
Gabe Lloyd Paul Smiths ’26
Francie Trafton Bowdoin ’26
Oliver Wilson Bates ’28
Lili Baer Colby ’25
Robyn McIntosh SLU ’22
Adam Carlisle Bowdoin ’24
Schuyler Michalak UNH ’22
Michael Pelletier Force Academy ’26
Help us keep track. Contact us if we’re missing you!
Thank You! We thank Michael Lehmann and Nancy Haynes, children of the founders of Dublin School - Paul and Nancy Lehmann, who donated the land and resources to develop the Nordic Center.
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